[TYPO3-dev] Flash Messages for Frontend?

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Tue Mar 2 16:54:17 CET 2010

Sebastian Gebhard schrieb:
> Hi,
> current implementation of flash messages is for BE usage, but IMO it
> would be cool to have a general purpose flash message system also in the
> FE. Im not too deep in Flash Messages, but I thought of it like this:
> $GLOBALS['TSFE']->flashMessageQueue holds an instance of
> t3lib_FlashMessageQueue and Extensions can add their messages to the Queue:

Why not create a flash message container service (ie singleton)? So any code just acquires a
reference to it and so the same lines of code can be used in BE or FE without the need to detect the

It's IMHO a real design flaw that so many utility services are attached to $TSFE or $LANG or whatever.


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