[TYPO3-dev] Possible bug: Relations with MM_opposite_field don't update the relation count of opposite field
Franz Koch
typo3.RemoveForMessage at elements-net.de
Thu Feb 11 23:38:46 CET 2010
Hi Steffen,
>> Which solution do you prefer, a patch so that this feature is working
>> like expected from 99% of the users, or some weird
>> neg_foreign_whatever configuration construct nobody really understands
>> - not even the guy who implemented that feature ;)
> the 2nd. First show how it works, then we can lough about :)
after a brief look at all related places of neg_foreign_table, it's
something completely different and not related to my problem with the
It seems to simply allow two different tables to be selected in one go
(like the group field using multiple table relations), only that one is
stored with it's regular UID (foreign_table) and the other with negative
UIDs (uid*-1) in the uid-list of the field as long as it's a regular
select field of type string. As soon as a MM-table is used, it's acting
like a regular MM relation (all UIDs get stored in the regular way in
the MM table) only that two tables are related to one field.
One funny thing is, that the documented option
'neg_foreign_table_imposeValueField' is not used in the core at all
(searched the whole source for various parts of the string
neg_/neg_foreign/impose and found nothing).
So for now I think I'm simply hooking into TCEMain_postProc and update
my opposite table by hand. Time's running out for the project and I've
already enough to do fixing bugs/adding missing features to extbase ;)
kind regards,
Franz Koch
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