[TYPO3-dev] Extension key from wizicon

J. Lingott jbl at deweblop.de
Sun Aug 29 12:45:55 CEST 2010

  Hi list,

is there any relation from wizicon to the extension key, i.e. an 
internal method to retrieve the extension key?
Background is the recursive fetching of wizicon data from 
$GLOBALS['TBE_MODULES_EXT']['xMOD_db_new_content_el']['addElClasses'] as 
used in sysext/cms/layout/db_new_content_el.php->wizard_appendWizards. 
But what I would need would be the extension key additionally (which 
can't be just fetched by reducing the wizicon name, due to bad naming of 
some extensions).

Case this is impossible where can I find the generation of the select 
box when inserting a plugin as content element (which would be just the 
same, but contains the extension key as value)? Was digging through 
db_layout.php and class.tx_cms_layout.php, as well as some more core 
classes but couldn't track it down. Best would be some info on where the 
process of plugin list generation and plugin flexform inclusion is 


J. Lingott

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