[TYPO3-dev] The first few bugs ever ... something to do ...

David Bruchmann typo3-dev at bruchmann-web.de
Thu Aug 26 23:28:20 CEST 2010

Von:        Ingo Renner <ingo at typo3.org>
Betreff:    Re: [TYPO3-dev] The first few bugs ever ... something to do ...

Hi Ingo,

>> My intention is that very old bugs could be closed step by step and if
>> required a patch should be transmitted. So perhaps after some month all
>> bugs with number < 1000 could be closed, later 2000 and so on.
> Nope, this is a serious No-Go for an issue tracking system. To really
> close these issues you need to go and triage each issue individually.
> You can then close them if you can't reproduce them.
> As long as the issue is not resolved or found non-reproducible it's a
> valid issue. You can't just go and close it just because it's old...

Sure, you're right but I'm missing some points that seemed to be clear 
for me but I didn't mention:
1) some bugs can't be reproduced in current versions because sometimes 
the source-code has completley changed.
2) some bugs couldn't be reproduced and a request from a (Core-) 
Developer for feedback was unreplied.
3) I didn't meant: "close old bugs because they are old" but "try to 
solve them because they are old". When you read some of the oldest open 
bugs you'll find my comments and see that I tried to handle each bug 
individually even some comments are the same in some bugs.

BTW: Some Bugs have been resolved and closed after this posting.

> We can be quite sure though when closing old issues marked as resolved.
> These most likely haven't been caught yet as back then the "process" was
> not that strict yet... assigning the fixed in version field and so on.
> These fields help us a lot to find fixed issues today.

I appreciate it, no veto if it's possible :)

Kind Regards,

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