[TYPO3-dev] scheduler and doNotLoadInFE

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Thu Aug 19 16:41:41 CEST 2010

François Suter schrieb am 19.08.2010 10:26:
> Hi,
>> Yes, we create a task for each reminder - how could a different approach
>> look like?
> "cal" could have its own reminder table and just register a single
> reminder task with the Scheduler. Each time the task is run, it checks
> all reminders that need to be sent.
> It makes it a kind of "scheduler within scheduler", but I'm just afraid
> that having tons of registered tasks will make the BE module very hard
> to use for admins who want to set up other tasks.

I think it would be cool to have only "scheduler" decide which tasks to
run when and others just using the functionality. Maybe a property for a
task to be added as "shy", so it won't be displayed in the backend
module by default (only if certain checkbox is hit) could help.

Otherwise the "cal" scheduler task will have to be run every minute in vain.


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