[TYPO3-dev] Performance optimization Typo3

Christian Kuhn lolli at schwarzbu.ch
Wed Aug 18 10:30:32 CEST 2010


Chris Zepernick {SwiftLizard} wrote:
> First of all we discovered that there is no possibility to check
> whether the Memcache is connected or not, although this information
> is stored within the memcache class in a protected attribute.
> This was solved by implementing a method to get the value of this 
> attribute.

Yes, you already mentioned that in another thread. I have this issue on 
my radar, but didn't had the time to take a look. It would be great if 
you could open a bugtracker issue with your patch for detailed analysis.

> Using the caching framework to store the session and session data
> brought up a new problem,.. each time someone cleared the cache all
> FE and BE users are logged out.

- It's a cache, and as such volatile. Same will happen if your memcache 
servers fail, if the cache gets corrupted, on network fail ... There are 
articles on the net which recommend to just use a cache in front of a 
persistent database for this reason if handling sessions (I'll search 
for links if you are interested), so write operations should go to 
memcache and db, and read operations to cache first.
- Did you benchmark your memcache setup against an optimized mysql? In 
the end we are just talking about 100k FE users, mysql can easily handle 
this. Where is the real bottleneck with the db setup? Is it the comma 
separated group assignment in TYPO3?

> This we solved by impemtenting a method in cachemanger to remove
> a cache config from the list of caches to clear.

There is a hook in the clear cache drop down to handle additional cache 
clearing. If this can't be used to unregister a cache from clearing, we 
could change / add a hook that fits for this purpose.


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