[TYPO3-dev] Why are several bugs not accessible on bugs.typo3.org?

Alexander Bigga - Software linux at bigga.de
Tue Aug 17 15:24:19 CEST 2010

Hello TYPO3 developer,

last week, I wanted to understand a bugfix in TYPO3 4.4.1 which is described
in the Changelog as follows:

* Fixed bug #14412: Field value added to foreign_table_where by replacing ###REC_FIELD_THE_FIELD_NAME### is not quoted (thanks to Helmut Hummel and ### Xavier Perseguers)

I don't understand this special english grammar so I wanted to read the bug #14412. 
But where is it? On bugs.typo3.org there is only a "Access Denied." if you
search for it.

Same happens with resolved bugs from the t3blog extension e.g. #12890

Where are these bugs gone? How may I read it? On forge they are neither.

Thank you und best regards,

Alexander Bigga
Clara-Zetkin-Str. 5
D-01159 Dresden

T: +49 351 417 22 104
M: +49 178 14 22 460 

linux at bigga.de * www.bigga.de

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