[TYPO3-dev] to eID or not to eID?

Christian Opitz - Netzelf christian.opitz at netzelf.de
Tue Aug 10 06:17:24 CEST 2010

  Am 10.08.2010 01:36, schrieb Lina Wolf:
> Would you suggest to use eID in pingback responses, XML-RPC and other
> not-Ajax maschine to maschine communication? Should XML's like RSS-Feeds or
> FOAF-XML be page types or eID?
Can't really prove it but i think eID is more efficient. With an 
eID-script you can care for just a particalurar functionality and 
streamline the script to that while with the TSFE you load a lot of - in 
this context - needless functionality. Extensions should imho not use 
the page-approach because it messes with other TS-stuff.

What i'm really missing in TYPO3 is the possibility to switch out the 
layout on demand in an efficient way 
(http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/twoStepView.html). I think that it's 
quite important that the controller logic is reusable in different 
contexts like HTML, XML, JSON, AMF, SOAP etc. without special 


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