[TYPO3-dev] Extending backend module

J. Lingott jbl at deweblop.de
Sun Aug 1 19:46:32 CEST 2010


I am currently working on an extension for an existing backend module, 
which is actually developing quite nice, but due to the special case i 
could need help on following three things.

1. Is there a way to set a special ID for a tce form element and is it 
possible to just add a hidden input field?

2. If modifying the TCA of an existing backend module, what's the right 
way to implement CSH?

3. What would be the right way to implement AJAX capabilities in the BE 
without a module (i.e. just add a script/ class)?
Currently tried to just implement it by registering a script in 
ext_localconf.php ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['AJAX']['modname::load'] = 
but then keeps spitting error "This module 'modname' is not enabled in 
TBE_MODULES". Is a way to manually enable the script, or did i just do 
something wrong?

Hope anyone can help, cheers


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