[TYPO3-dev] FLOW3 / TYPO3 5.0

Irene Höppner irene.hoeppner at abezet.de
Thu Apr 29 10:39:23 CEST 2010

> Sorry Irene. I'm more realistic and NOT interested in writing any book  
> ;-)

hehe... you know... for the book it would have been much better, if FLOW3  
was stable - or at least beta - two weeks ago... so I should again have  
had a big interest in a deadline... for the real life project "book".

> What I've learned so far is that there is no real good and new and  
> FUTURISTIC ;-) development without proof of concept. i.e. use for real  
> world applications! See if it works and develop or improve!
Yes, and again: They are asking for proof of concept since last years  
developer days. Don't complain, but join the team and do what you are  
asking for.

> Some threads before there was a question about academic development.  
> There are a lot of patterns depending on the hat you wear. As I know  
> real world reality is always a compromise. IMHO this project it more a  
> challenge for some developers that these could be done in PHP than a  
> realistic requirement.  Who ever tested the concept either if there are  
> thousends of records to be searched or one record to be delivered to  
> thousenends of users?
> Back to the academic approach: it's like mathematics.
> pattern = axiomes

Sorry, but that's wrong (and so the conclusions are wrong).
An axiom (also called postulate) in mathematics is a proposition that is  
not proved.
Design patterns provide tested and proven development paradigms. Thats the  
opposite of a mathematical axiom.

> IMHO TYPO3 should concentrate on delevering an "enterprise level CMS"  
> than competing with Zend.

So, Zend is not a competitor to TYPO3?

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