[TYPO3-dev] FLOW3 / TYPO3 5.0 (was: blog_example gives error "A cache with identifier "cache_extbase_reflection" does not exist")

Denyerec denyerec at gmail.com
Tue Apr 27 17:55:34 CEST 2010

On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 11:11:34 +0100, Robert Lemke <robert at typo3.org> wrote:
> We will have our first release of TYPO3 Phoenix on Friday 14th of May.
> And the second release will be on June 11th. It'll have a small visible
> feature set which grows from sprint to sprint. You are highly encouraged
> to follow our sprints at http://forge.typo3.org/projects/show/typo3-v5 !

Is there a website giving any kind of insight into Typo3 v5 beyond the  
Forge? The Forge sites are great for developers, giving clear access to  
tickets, issues and code submissions, but they are practically useless for  
members of the public browsing for information on a new platform. I asked  
in IRC but no-one had a pointer for me.

Compare : http://www.djangoproject.com/
(Overview, explanation, tutorials, community)

With: http://forge.typo3.org/projects/show/typo3-v5
(Note how the menu on the left is hidden by default and almost invisible  
as a clickable GUI element, and even once expanded if you make it to the  
Wiki (Click invisible grey bar, click menu, click Core Team, click  
Wiki...) there is still nothing useful.

As a TYPO3 developer, the progress of Phoenix is almost invisible to me.  
There is the odd Buzz announcement regarding FLOW3 progress, and some  
chatter on the newsgroups, but nothing solid. Admittedly if it's not a  
complete product yet, it doesn't warrant a complete website, but  
*something* to communicate its outlook, aims, progress and whatnot to the  
general user (IE someone who will implement Phoenix, rather than someone  
who will code the core of it) would no doubt be of great relief to those  
watching from the sidelines waiting to see whether they should start  
learning Python or not... ;)

Of course, there is a time and a place for releasing such websites, but  
with the amount of work already seemingly invested into Phoenix (Looking  
through the Forge activity) and the amount of chatter generated by this  
most excellent thread, perhaps that time was some months ago?
Naturally, I don't know, because I don't know what's going on... and the  
snake eats its tail.

Kind regards,


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