[TYPO3-dev] FLOW3 / TYPO3 5.0

Irene Höppner irene.hoeppner at abezet.de
Tue Apr 27 13:06:58 CEST 2010

Hi all,

> Parkinson's law says: "The work takes all time allocated to it".

- Parkinson has been written about "public administration", not motivated  
software development, that highly depends on creativity, didn't he?
- Parkinson also said "The matters most debated in a deliberative body  
tend to be the minor ones where everybody understands the issues."..... :-)

> If you
> have no deadline, your work lasts forever. That's the law, which works
> universally.

Well, after all that crying for deadlines my 2 cents about deadlines:  
Every kind of pressure makes stupid (at least it kills creativity). No  
matter if it's time-pressure, want-to-get-more-money-pressure, threats or  

Why I believe this?
1. Having a (realistic!) look at myself and the ppl around me.
2. http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/dan_pink_on_motivation.html (The most  
impressive sentence in this video is "There's a mismatch between what  
science knows and what business does.")

So, if you want a candle-light-for-dummies-framework for the future, go  
ahead and cry for deadlines. Otherwise let creativity and motivation do  
their (so far great) work plz.



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