[TYPO3-dev] blog_example gives error "A cache with identifier "cache_extbase_reflection" does not exist"

Jochen Rau jochen.rau at typoplanet.de
Fri Apr 23 23:47:15 CEST 2010

Hi Dmitry.

On 23.04.10 12:41, Dmitry Dulepov wrote:
> Ok, here is my answer. I think I risk a lot by posting it but I need to
> clarify my position. It burns me for more than a year now :(

It's always a pleasure to read statements coming form heart. ;-)

> v5 project has nearly 4 years of history. I believe 3 of those years are
> taken by FLOW3 development. We do not have v5 after all these years. We do
> not have a usable framework (see other posts). We have a slow and hard to
> use code, which is alpha 8 (!!!) after 3 years of active development by
> full time developers. There is no deadline for FLOW3 and no deadline for v5
> project. This is what we have.

We don't have v5, yet. But we have v4. And a lot of people are inspired 
to make v4 even better. And FLOW3 and Fluid are out now for about 5 
months (ok, FLOW3 is called Extbase, but who cares ;-) ).

> Let's compare it to another existing project. Varien, a small company
> behind Magento, started developing Magento in 2007. This is the same time
> when v5 team abandoned v5 and decided to go for a perfect framework. Unlike
> v5 team, Varien did not went to invent their own framework. They took
> existing Zend Framework and used it heavily to create Magento. Magento is
> now the most popular ecommerce platform in the world. Varien is famous and
> gets lots of benefits from their right choices. Now they can afford 55
> employes working full time on open source solutions (see
> http://www.linkedin.com/companies/varien).
> Do you see the difference in approaches?  [...]

Sure, I see. Magento is a great product (no irony). But if I want to 
have "Advanced Administrator Roles and Permission Restriction per Site" 
or "Order Archiving" I have to pay at least "$11,125 USD/yr". This 
includes "One non-production server license" for $2,225 to start to 
developing with these enhanced features. And they have a nice poll 
system to determine the communities needs


To be honest, this is not my community. And compare:



(I must admit that they have a very good TER.)


> What to do now? I think v5 team should get a clear and strong deadline when
> they must release v5. Not FLOW3 alpha1087 but v5! Not v5rc1 but a
> completely ready v5. This deadline should be in this year. If they fail, we
> should declare the project as failed. We should abandon it and use existing
> frameworks to build v5 paying major attention to usability instead of
> abstract perfectness of the code, DDD, DI and other rubbish, which clients
> do not care about. It is time to be realistic. It is time to turn to users
> and clients and follow their needs for a great UI, speed and intuitive
> workflow.
> I must tell that I like people behind FLOW3 as people. They are good guys.
> It is a pleasure to talk to them. Also I am very fascinated by the work
> that Jochen Rau did with Extbase. It is really impressive and I think we
> all must honor him for this tremendous work.

Thanks. But without FLOW3, I would not have been inspired to share such 
an amount of time and enthusiasm. But you made me think and read (which 
is good) and I stumbled upon the first blog post of Kasper


What does this have to do with this 
FLOW3-or-Zend-or-Whatever-discussion? "Enable people to communicate" 
(including speed and anything else people expect from TYPO3) is one side 
of the coin. The other is "Inspiring people to share". Both parts of the 
mission statement of TYPO3 are equally important and we have to balance 
them. This thread was mainly about the first one. But as TYPO3 is sole 
promoted by a community we should not forget the second one.

> We got really great programmers in TYPO3 and it is a shame not to use our
> talents to create the greatest super CMS ever. We could do it. Can we still?

Yes we can. I'll go for TYPO3 v5 ;-)


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