[TYPO3-dev] require needed classes in config_default.php

Felix Oertel post at typo3felix.de
Wed Nov 11 11:19:28 CET 2009

Hi everyone,

I just used t3lib/config_default.php for my standalone script and I 
noticed I have to require t3lib_div and t3lib_extmgm before.

I would like to add something like the following to config_default, so 
it could load the two needed classes itself.

if (defined('PATH_t3lib')) {
	// require_once t3lib_div and t3lib_extmgm

So you just have to define PATH_t3lib (like PATH_typo3conf) in your 
script and config_default cares for the rest.

Any concearns?

With kind regards,

Felix Oertel

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