[TYPO3-dev] Extensions with more TS support

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Thu Nov 5 13:29:47 CET 2009


> to be sync with core i highly suggest using LLL for language labels. You 
> even could support core functions by using any lang label that is 
> supported with $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sL with syntax
> ###LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.xml:LGL.layout###
> easy parsing:
> if (substr($marker, 0 ,4) === 'LLL:') {
>   $subst = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sL($marker);
> }

easy parsing -> way to complicated manipulation

The reason why I will never use something like this and strictly vote 
against this is, that you're hardcoding the path to the labels to a 
certain file and you're no longer able to change the value of the label 
from within TS!
If you like to change that label or need the label in a different 
language, you would have to edit this file (which will get overriden on 
extension updates -> no go) or create a own file and modify all markers 
to use this file instead, and you have to copy all labels to your custom 
file then. And if the extension is adding new labels in a newer version, 
you have to sync those files again. This is such a ridiculous concept, 
not userfriendly at all and producing way to much work overhead and 
possible errors in my eyes.

So again - I'm strictly against this concept.
kind regards,
Franz Koch

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