[TYPO3-dev] Time for maintenance releases?

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Tue Jun 30 00:32:24 CEST 2009

>>> Would be nice to have 4.2.7 out!
>> absolutely.
>> They will be released tomorrow.
> Any problems with the releases?
> Anything that the community can help with?

I hope it'll last a few more days, because I think the issue with the 
prepended baseURL to links within RTE in Firefox 3.0.11 is still not 
resolved completely, as URLs without "http://" prefix still get 
prepended with the baseURL.
If one of the release managers is reading this: please confirm this as a 
possible bug in the according (old) RFC of this issue and reopen the 
bugtracker ticket as blocker (or maybe create a follow up RFC).
kind regards,
Franz Koch

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