[TYPO3-dev] USER_INT manipulating <title> tag

Jonas Dübi admin at commandline.ch
Fri Jun 19 14:52:08 CEST 2009

Hi Bartosz

Thank you for the answer!

Bartosz Aninowski schrieb:

> TS
> config.noPageTitle = 2
>  $GLOBALS['TSFE']->additionalHeaderData['myCustomUserIntTitle'] = 
> "<title>" .$this->getTitle($newTitle). "</title>";
> works with USER and USER_INT plugin

That's realy a good idea. There is just the problem, that not all TYPO3 
installations use the same integer for adding the regular title to 
additonalHeaderData in TypoScript.

But that's easy to solve, by searching the additionalHeaderData for 
<title> and replacing it.

What would be cool is a global solution with a clean function which can 
be used by every extension and works with all TYPO3 installations ;-)

Is it possible to edit the generated <head> code of the page? With 
preg_replace it's possible to change the generated <title> tag so it 
always works even if someone uses noPageTitel = 0.

Best regards...

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