[TYPO3-dev] RealURL and cHash

Steffen Ritter info at rs-websystems.de
Thu Jun 4 09:24:47 CEST 2009

Hey devs,
I'm currently on a strange problem I'm not really shure where to search 
the problem:

Following situation:
There are Extension-SingleViews which should be cached, the listView 
generates (by API) links with chash as it should be ;)

The strange string is: Using RealURL the singleView is always uncached. 
AdminPanel says "wrong chash, caching disabled" - additional result: it 
won't be found in indexed_search...

So we cleaned all realurl tables, enabled/disabled chash cache, tried 
blank configuration... No progress...
Not Using realURL with nice ugly technical URLs there is no problem...

Neither forget about realURL nor forget about singleView in search (or 
without cache) is an option...

So are there any hints how to dig in deeper?  Does anyone knows this 

FYI: This happens not only at the extension we found out, it's the same 
f.e. tt_news and others...



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