[TYPO3-dev] BE module with extJs but in 4.2.8

Sonja Scholz ss at cabag.ch
Thu Jul 30 13:32:33 CEST 2009

Hi Everyone,

because of the great help of a lot of people in this topic, especially 
Steffen Kamper(Thank you very much!), I was successfull in creating a 
dummy extension with extjs grid just for learning.

It takes me maybe three days because I'm a newbee in extjs and javascript.

But I think for other people who want to have a first look and want to 
learn creating a pre-4.3 module with extjs, ajax and a simple grid it 
would be helpful to have such an dummy extension.

But Caution! It is a really dummy extension with "not-so-good" exjs code 
and so on. Its only for a first look.

I attached the t3x.. have fun.

Kind regards,


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