[TYPO3-dev] The "Object TypoScript library" in the TYPO3 core?

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Sat Jul 11 14:59:32 CEST 2009


I was browsing through the code of the TYPO3 core, and found some 
strange "obts" stuff, an extension I have never installed in my life. 
Here is some code from tslib_content:

	// Application defined cObjects
foreach ($this->cObjHookObjectsArr as $cObjName => $hookObj)	{
	if (($name===$cObjName) && method_exists($hookObj, 'cObjGetSingleExt')) {
		$content.= $hookObj->cObjGetSingleExt($name, $conf, $TSkey, $this);
		$hooked = true;
if (!$hooked && isset($GLOBALS['OBTS']['tso_list'][$name]) && 
t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('obts')) {
	$content.= obts_dtutil::renderDatatypeContent($name, 
$GLOBALS['OBTS']['tso_list'][$name], $conf, $this);
} elseif (!$hooked) {

	// Object TypoScript library included:
if(t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('obts')) {

well, this check is done with every call to a TypoScript object. My 
questions are here:

  * Why is the obts getting  a separate call although there is a hook 
request right above there?
  * Why is this obts hardcoded but not included in the core?
  * Should I create a patch to remove the OBTS stuff so the framework 
should hook into the real hook and not its own way?

I'd appreciate any answer.

All the best,

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