[TYPO3-dev] Data Exchange between two plugins within the same extension

Ansgar Brauner ansgarb at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 18:05:22 CET 2008

Hi everybody,

I'm developing an extension and i would like to split different views
into different plugins. The Problem is that i dont know how to exchange
data between these plugins correctly.

For example (and only for example :-) ):

  The first plugin shows a list of Authors
    You can create, read, update or delete an entry
    Or show all books from this author.

  The second plugin shows all books from one author
    You can create, read, update or delete a single book

The question is: how do i tell the second plugin which books to display.
I'd like to let the user choose the author with the first plugin.

piVars have seperated-Namespaces for each plugin. I think its not nice
to prefix every "link creation" with: $this->prefixId = pi2-name.

Is there a technical clean way to transfer such data?

thanks in advance

best regards


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