[TYPO3-dev] captcha for core

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Sun Jan 13 14:23:50 CET 2008


>>> yes, but one initial has to be there.
>>> I tried it with service, but i have the problem, that you normally 
>>> call a php-file to generate a pic like
>>> <img src="captcha.php" />
>>> I don't have a good idea providing this by a service. Generating and 
>>> saving the pic before means all integration of stdraphics.
>>> Do you have an idea for that?
>> eg $srvInst->getImgUrl()
> But some captchas don't have a direct script for an img tag. So the 
> service API would probably have a getCaptcha() method which should 
> render the image or whatever is necessary (eg recaptcha works differently).

yes, there has to be a abstraction layer in the service controller. Just 
have a look at lib/div for inspiration - there is already a captcha 
controller present.


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