[TYPO3-dev] ADOdb extended dates prototype v0.0.3

David Bruehlmeier typo3 at bruehlmeier.com
Wed May 30 12:49:13 CEST 2007

Hi Christoph

thanks for all your work, I think you did a marvellous job! This is 
going to be a great feature for TYPO3!

After testing the extension on a 4.1.0 installation, I would like to 
make the following suggestions:

- If the date format in the user->setup is left empty, any 
date/time-field is filled with "<br />". It seems this is caused by 
class.tx_extdates_date.php (line 679).

- The date/time format in user->setup should IMO definitely be a 
selector box, not just a text field. Of course it's nice to have 
"unlimited flexibility", but I guess this will just cause unnecessary 
problems. If needed, any format can still be set with TSconfig, although 
I did not test this.

- Furthermore, I suggest to offer _two_ selector boxes, one for 
date-format and one for time-format and two further boxes for date 
separators and time separators. The formats should always be displayed 
with an example for the not-so-PHP-savvy.

- It's not easy to decide which formats should be offered as 
"predefined". Here's my suggestion:

Date Formats (always display with an example)
d.m.Y       30.09.2007
m.d.Y       09.30.2007
Y.m.d       2007.09.30
j.n.y       30.9.07
n.j.y       9.30.07
y.n.j       07.9.30
d. F Y      30. September 2007     (Date Separator has no effect)
F d, Y      September 30, 2007     (Date Separator has no effect)
d. M y      30. Sep 07             (Date Separator has no effect)
M d, y      Sep 30, 07             (Date Separator has no effect)

Date Separators

Time Formats (always display with an example)
H:i:s       07:14:38
h:i:s A     07:14:38 AM
G:i:s       7:14:38
g:i:s A     7:14:38 AM

Time Separators

- All these settings should have a default value, since we must not 
assume that the first thing a user does is check/set these values. I 
suggest to take the first values listed above as defaults.

- All these settings should also be definable in user TSconfig

- One thing that probably should be answered by a core-dev for this to 
enter the core: what happenes if the sys-ext 'adodb' is not installed? 
Should there be some kind of fallback or should we make sure adodb 
cannot be uninstalled (e.g. move it to the contrib folder like 

Best regards,

P.S. I'll be out-of-office for the next 3 weeks... :-)

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