[TYPO3-dev] CType Multimedia

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Fri May 25 17:30:37 CEST 2007

Typo3 schrieb:
> Hi
> Why Typo3 creates only <embed ..., which is proprietary element
> - that doesn't work in IE, which makes the content type useless.
> Why this solution?

I guess because in the meantime those who need it use special extensions 
  and the other ones don't care.

If you think about doing something about it consider releasing a 
standalone XCLASS extension. We had that discussion before and you may 
remember that no Core developer is willing to dig into you huge 
collection of various changes and enhancements.

My ideas for implementation:

Make the file type a subtype of the multi media record type and use this 
subtype as key for a flex form switch. So you can have all the right 
configuration options for the various file types (movie, mp3, flash). 
But while this is fine for Flash (only one plugin) this might be more of 
a problem for movies as you must decide which plugin to use on Windows.


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