[TYPO3-dev] Not equal condition

John Angel johnange at gmail.com
Sun May 20 14:27:45 CEST 2007

> What does "All sites" mean in this case and what are the differences 
> between
> all these sites?

Several sites, some have different default language.

> Are these siteson the same server but with different virtual servers?


> Do they share the same TYPO3 source but not the same root directories?

The same source, the same directory.

> Or did you setup just one TYPO3 backend serving all these sites at once?


> There must be differences in the TS if you want to display different 
> default
> languages, so why do you think they could share the same TS and how would
> you want to make it really "the same" for each of them?

The idea is to setup each language only once. I did that (based on L 
parameter). Simple extension does the rest, you can check it: 

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