[TYPO3-dev] FORM element

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Sat May 19 20:17:09 CEST 2007

Patrick Broens schrieb:
> Hi all,
> Just to inform you: After the recent T3DD07 in Dietikon I've started a 
> big review on the FORM cObject. It really needs quite some updating in 
> all parts of the object. It lacks features that are common these days in 
> forms, like database storage, php/ajax validation, and a lot of form 
> fields that are not possible to render with the current cObject. Also 
> the usability of the form wizard needs a proper update with drag and 
> drop features, more configuration of fields, more field types, more 
> layout options, better validation, etcetera.
> Changing the FORM cObject is on top of my list right now. I will publish 
> the investigation of the object soon on the Wiki, so the community can 
> add their comments to it.

The FORM object has is shortcomings and so has the wizard (besides AJAX 
stuff it doen't even have fields for all FORM features).

But I'm not sure if the FORM object should handle uploads. This can be 
quite complex and is perhaps better suited in extensions. The reason is 
(and partly this already in place) that the Core itself must expect form 
input on ANY page. For extensions that is more clean.


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