[TYPO3-dev] relaease plans for typoe 4.2?

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Mon May 7 21:18:53 CEST 2007

John Angel schrieb:
>> I thin it's better to improve the UI then. Or create better IDEs for
>> using TS (which will be possible).
> Are we developing the programming language or CMS?
> Here are the strong arguments:
> 1) Typoscript is very difficult to learn. TS doesn't have similar popular
> language which looks alike, which makes things even worst.
> I do not understand why do you insist in using something that nobody uses
> anywhere and is extremely hard to learn? We can make IDE. We can make 
> syntax
> and error checking. But, newcomers still have to learn it from the scratch.
> And it takes very very long time. Why
> should we bother, when we can adopt existing language which already
> processes TS?
> I agree PHP was/is horrible, but it improves itself. We should let PHP guys
> do PHP and ourselves should focus on improving features of Typo3, not
> wasting time on reinventing some-language.
> Somebody even suggested to make compiler for TS here. We are loosing
> precious time on periphery things.
> 2) PHP approach is much easier than Typoscript.
> object.stdWrap.if {
>  value.data = some_value
>  isLessThan = 1
>  isGreaterThan = 10
> }
> vs.
> if($some_value>1 || $some_value<10) { $object->render=true; }
> How to explain above TS example to newcomer? It is easy task, but
> complicated solution.

Besides "stdWrap" and "data" (aka getText), "if" is certainly something 
that has to be and will be improved. *

What I am insisting on is that TS is a declarative not a procedural 
language. I wouldn't change that, but you do.


* Some ideas but nothing definitive has been suggested on T3DD07.

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