[TYPO3-dev] diferent BE Groups for different language

Franz Koch typo at fx.MINUS.graefix.DOT.de
Sat Feb 17 20:58:12 CET 2007

Hi Jürgen,

> i have a problem with the language settings. I have about 12 additional 
> Languages in the Backend. I have different BE Groups for each Language.
> But if i give a BE User the BE Group for a Language the User see his 
> special Language AND the the default Language. How can i disable the 
> default Language for this group? Is this Possible?

well, if the user should translate content (which he normally does) he should also be able to see the default language he should translate from ;)

But to answer your question - it doesn't seem so. You can restrict editing of the default language, but can't completely hide it as it would make no sense. What you want might only be possible by providing different pagetrees for each language.

Kind regards,
Franz Koch

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