[TYPO3-dev] Moving old "static templates" to a sysext

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Tue Dec 4 22:02:02 CET 2007


this is just to bring this thread to this newsgroup, so we can "keep
discussing" it.

The thread is about removing the old "static templates" that still ship
with TYPO3 and no one is maintaing for ages.

The first task is to remove the static templates from a default
installation. This requires some "tweaking" as I have tried to detail out.

The second (optional) task is to create a bunch of nice looking CSS
templates to "show off" TYPO3 in a new installation. What I like in the
old-school template is the very nice use of the constant editor for
configuring its parameters. Maybe it could be used in new css-based
templates too, so that CSS can be generated on the fly from the
constants (like css_styled_content does for rendering textpic).

So please continue discussing both tasks on this list so we don't
pollute the core-list!


>>>> Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote:
>>>>> a) move all shipped static templates to a sysext (cms_obsolete)
>>>> Already done in 2005...

> Martin Kutschker wrote: on 04.12.2007 19:51:

>> Is it that hard? After all they are just TS templates. Ok, they are
>> currently in the DB, but do you have to do more than pasting their
>> contents into a file?

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote: on 04.12.2007 20:31:

> It is probably not "hard" when you take a detailed look at it, but it
> requires that detailed look. For example content(default) used to be
> "static template 43", and this is "hardcoded" in addToPI43 to let
> extensions add-on to this template (fe-plugins). This is probably easy
> to fix.
> And another aspect is the order of loading of static templates: For
> being backwards compatible the order must be respected and moving
> "static templates" to "static templates from extensions" will probably
> make them load in a different order than before. Template Settings like
> "Static template files from T3 Extensions" that can be:
> - Never include before this template record
> - Default (Include before if Root-flag is set)  or
> - Always include before this template record
> scare me, because they have to be considered when upgrading.
>> BTW, I'm quite happy to let "content (default)" live in cms, but not as
>> static template. It can be loaded with the (not so) new method.
> This means also letting
> - styles.content (default)
> - styles.sitemap.text
> - styles.header.gfx1
> in cms, because they are loaded by "content(default)". I would be ok
> with that. And move all rest to a "cms_deprecated".
> Cheers,
> Ernesto

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