[TYPO3-dev] general TSConfig options

Steffen Kamper steffen at sk-typo3.de
Tue Dec 4 14:37:48 CET 2007

"Benjamin Mack" <mack at xnos.org> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.3472.1196771546.14020.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hey,
> I like the idea. I also have some wishes that is:
> * I often have multisites with TYPO3. Then I'd like to have a default 
> pageTS and a default userTS. Right now If I have
> * Root Level
>   * Company 1
>   * Company 2
> and since the Root Level is not a page, I cannot set the pageTS I need to 
> have separate pageTSconfigs and thus having duplicate code.
> Right now i can add this through localconf / ext_tables but I'd like to 
> have a place in TYPO3 to set this installation wide using the backend.
> What do you think?
> -- 
> greetings,
> benni.
> -SDG-
> www.xnos.de // www.xnos.org

good Idea. The "Root Level" could be a good place to place basic TS / 
template as well. It's not easy atm because it is not a page, but may be a 
system record could have these settings and a mechanism could inherit this 
to subpages (new command importFromRoot = 1 ? )

vg  Steffen 

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