[TYPO3-dev] tt_address 2.0.0 underway, please test

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Wed Nov 29 09:42:24 CET 2006

Steffen Kamper wrote: on 28.11.2006 17:16:

>> Perhaps someone could write an add-fields-only wizard for the casual 
>> admin. The wizard won't have to say anything about creating an extension 
>> at all. The UI would let you add fields and place them into the TCE-forms.
>> And it wold make sure the extension is always loaded last. That is, when 
>> it is invoked to da any changes.
>> I know the kickstarter, but its UI is confusing and not really well suited 
>> for any admin who is not a developer.

> funny, but that was an idea i just thought about. Cause the kickstarter gui, 
> extensionkey etc.
> May be it could implemented in functions-module with a wizard creating these 
> fields. TCA could be written to a file which is included from ext_tables.php 
> or localconf.php. Should be no big deal ...

Sounds like a good idea. There is already that file, called
typo3conf/extTables.php. Only that only extending TCA is not enough, you
also need to create the database fields in a ext_tables.sql, and I see
no way of doing that without an extension.

My idea would be:

Having a dummy empty typo3conf/ext/local/ extension. You can now load an
existing extension into the kickstarter, as far as I could see, so we
could "misuse" the kickstarter to create a "light" version of it.

The wizard for the admin would load the "local" extension and instead of
providing the "full blown" interface of the kickstarter, just the part
that are interesting for admins are shown:

- Setup languages
- New Database Tables
- Extend existing Tables

And instead of the buttons Update, Total form, View result, D/L as file,
the user only has a button "Submit changes", where he comes back to the
Ext. Manager information page on the "local" extension, which will then
prompt to create the new fields in the database.

All changes are in typo3conf/ext/local/, which the user could download
and install on any site he wants where he needs those customizations.

So no much coding is envolved here, and we will continue gaining from
future development of the kickstarter.


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