[TYPO3-dev] GLOBALS['LANG'] and MacOs

Christian Trabold trabold at mehrwert.de
Fri Nov 24 12:03:00 CET 2006

Hi Toke,
Hi Martin,

> Yes but why use the sL format, if we are going to split it any way, easier to just send a sl(sl-index)
> The difference in the code is somthing like:
> $llkey = explode(':' $TCA['label']);
> T3lib_div::readLLfile($llkey[2], $GLOBALS['TSFE']->lang);
> ...->getLL($llkey[3]);
> Or
> $lang->sl($TCA['label']);

I don't get it, why you use "$TCA['label']" here, sorry.

> I tried to Use the GLOABAL $LANG which is a BE object.

To sum this thread up:

- Use "$GLOBALS['TSFE']->sL()" to get specific language labels from 
other extensions in FE.

Example with extension 'lang':


Hint 1: The following approach will not work, because $TCA is not fully 
accessible in FE:


Hint 2: If you want to get all language labels of an extension, this 
example could help out:

   $extLL = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->readLLfile(t3lib_extMgm::extPath('lang') 
   $GLOBALS['TSFE']->getLLL('title', $extLL);

Hint 3: You do NOT have to call t3lib_div::readLLfile() by your own - 
use the global objects provided by TYPO3.

Thanks Martin for pointing to TSFE-sL()! ;-)

- Use "$LANG->sL()" or "$LANG->getLL" to get language labels in BE (as 
described in "Inside TYPO3" [1]).





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