[TYPO3-dev] Creating an image-processing framework

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Wed Nov 15 18:30:44 CET 2006

Andreas Wolf schrieb:

> Yes, that's similar to what I imagine - ok, I thought of grouping it around
> file-types, but that's perhaps really not the best idea. I also thought of
> integrating Jhead, but in a second step. 

I think having a matrix of supported operations and MIME-types is the
best way to do it, and this is also what we decided for G2 from the
start. So we have a set of operations:

- thumbnail
- scale
- crop
- combine
- rotate
- ...

A set of properties:

- width
- height
- pages (for multipage documents, e.g. pdfs)
- ...

And a set of MIME-types:

- image/jpeg
- image/gif
- application/msword
- application/pdf
- ...

And then we have a matrix of MIME-types versus operations and MIME-types
version properties. Each Toolkit can register any of this combination as
"handleable". The core gets requests for a "chain" of operations and
will then be able to delegate the task to "whichever" Toolkit is able to
perform the operation. For example one "chain" could be "rotate|90" then
"crop|10,10,100,100" then "resize|200". The Toolkit handler is smart
enough for toolkits to be able to "merge" several operations in one step
(so if for example ImageMagick is able to rotate/crop/scale in just one
call, G2 will make use of that, provided that the ImageMagickToolkit
knows about it).

> I think that TYPO3s service-concept is similar - without having had a look
> at Gallery2-internals, though. But from your description I would say that
> G2s Toolkits are more advanced. Perhaps we could extend the
> service-framework with some ideas borrowed from Gallery2?

I think that sounds like a good idea.

> Hm, there are efforts for integrating Gallery2 into TYPO3, but as far as I
> know the people involved there (are you?) were argueing which side is
> responsible for the problems they have... Something was wrong about the
> user-database, I think - but I have not tracked the development there.

I wasn't involved but some time in the past I responded to one such
request with my view about it:


I just saw that there is a "gallery2" extension (pretty new), but I
haven't looked at it. The main problem I saw at that moment in the past
was the integration of users and the concept of FE and BE (not existant
in Gallery2, where the FE is the BE). But maybe the gallery2 extension
has solved that in an elegant way already? If we could use
gallery2-images in tt_content records it would mean that we have a new
working DAM for TYPO3. :)


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