[TYPO3-dev] Index of table sys_refindex

Wolfgang Klinger wolfgang at stufenlos.net
Mon Nov 6 10:50:43 CET 2006


 On Mon, 06 Nov 2006, Martin Kutschker wrote the following:
> Currently TYPO3 does not check the TYPO3 version and its capabilities. So 
> it's up to the site admin to send any necessary connection initialization 
> code. You can do this already via the TYPO3 configuration.
> You could try and rewrite the connection code in t3lib_db so that it checks 
>   the server version, the server settings and any forceCharset setting and 
> send any SET commands you think are appropriate.
> Mind that you will have to deal with settings like forceCHarset=utf8 and a 
> DB with latin1 as default charset. I hope no user evr tries to change the 
> charset of tables or indvidual fields, which is possible in Mysql.

 I know and it's a bad situation. I think that a large amount of TYPO3
 sites that use UTF8 work with a Latin1 configured MySQL server.

 kind regards

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