[TYPO3-dev] [eID] $conf-Variable

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Fri Nov 3 10:25:09 CET 2006

Hello Martin,

> Use the "lower level" API calls to get the Typoscript. I don't recall 
> where they are but have a look and tslib_fe and see where it gets the info.
> OTOH, TS may be not really necessary if you only want to configure your 
> script.
there is already a file

Maybe some necessary configuration stuff should be stored in the FE 
users session data.

tslib_fe has this method:

function getFromCache()

and there you have.

if ($row = $this->getFromCache_queryRow())	{

$this->config = (array)unserialize($row['cache_data']);		// Fetches the 
lowlevel config stored with the cached data

which sets the $this->config.

IMHO the page should always bee in the cache if AJAX is used.

The line
$this->content = $row['HTML'];	
is not needed and could contain a lot of data. Should'nt a shorter 
method be written for AJAX purposes?



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