[TYPO3-dev] [eID] $conf-Variable

Maximo Cuadros mcuadros at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 09:26:17 CET 2006

XAJAX? Why XAJAX who speak about XAJAX? I think that Benny, ask if its
possible pass configuration params trough TypoScript, like for pi1 is
used plugin.tx_extensionkey_pi1. Maybe for eid its something similar
to plugin.tx_extensionkey_eid, i dont know.

Anyway, plz any know the answer i need this too.

Best regards.

On 11/3/06, Franz Holzinger <franz at fholzinger.com> wrote:
> Hello benny,
> > But one question I have. What should be called to access the $conf variable in my
> > eID-php ajax programm ? I am speaking of the $conf-variable which is normally
> > passed to the main-function of a fe-plugin classed (extended from tslib_pibase).
> IMHO the $conf has to be stored for each extension in its own database
> table. The storing of the $conf needs to be done in the procedure where
> the AJAX frontend is beeing drawn. It has to be reread after the call of
> the extension's XAJAX function on the server. This will even be
> necessary when no eID does get used, because e.g. the L parameter gets
> lost with XAJAX.
> Each page with XAJAX can have a different $conf. And there can be
> variants of it with different L and probably other parameters.
> Or perhaps a caching function inside of TYPO3 could be used?
> Maybe we should write an own extension with such enhancements to XAJAX?
> Greets,
> Franz
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