[TYPO3-dev] Typo3 Database design question (optimization / indices)

Marc Wöhlken woehlken at quadracom.de
Sun Mar 26 17:43:34 CEST 2006

Dimitri Tarassenko schrieb:
> I has some spare time on my hands today, so instead of cutting grass
> and other exciting yard work, I actually did some benchmarking with
> the proposed indexes.Here are my results:
;-) Everything's better than lawn mowing ...

> Overall, there is measurable performance gain on cached pages, but
> nothing I would open a bottle of champaigne for ;)
I suppose we could not expect the introduction of new indexes to boost
Typo3 performance to a new - yet unknown - level.

In my opinion it would be quite a gain if average page delivery time
could be cut off by let's say 10% - 15%. We have to keep in mind that
page rendering time depends on many factors and only one of them is db
access time.

> Your mileage may vary, especially on slower iron with less memory -
> would love to see somebody else's numbers.
That's the point. The results will vary from machine to machine and from
one Typo3 installation to another. Probably it would be good to know
that optimizing the db structure DOES have a positive impact that MAY BE
huge under some circumstances.

As I have written in on of my initial postings a could measure a
performances increase of rooughly 20% - which is MUCH.

Ries van Twisk even wrote about a remarkable reduction of page
processing time putting it down from 9000ms to 2500ms (although I
believe that this must be some VERY special scenario as an average of 9s
for page delivery is really slow).

@Ries: Are these values really correct? I would believe 900ms and 250ms
would be more typical values...


Marc Wöhlken

Quadracom - Gottschall, Proffe & Wöhlken

Fedelhören 45a                 WWW: http://www.quadracom.de
D-28203 Bremen                E-Mail: woehlken at quadracom.de
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