[TYPO3-dev] Typo3 Database design question (optimization / indices)

Peter Niederlag niederlag at ikd01.de
Fri Mar 24 08:26:27 CET 2006


not strictly related to optimazation but I just found an easy way of
(re-?)enabling of logging DB-queries in the TS-Debugger:

all it needs is a little modification to class.t3lib_db->exec_SELECTquery

--------adding a call to TT ---------------
if ($this->debugOutput)	{
of enabling SelectDebugging into AdminPanel/TSDebugger'');

I think this could of some help in understanding of TYPO3-Internals. If
anybody considers this useful we could think about adding that feature
in a more nice way.

If I get one or two positive comments I'll add it as a feature-request
to the bugtracker on the road to 4.x.

Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *
http://www.typo3partner.net * professional services network *

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