[TYPO3-dev] Detecting XCLASS conflicts

Tapio Markula tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Wed Mar 22 09:01:13 CET 2006

> I don't know if you guys and girls on this list have noticed it but I 
> have written
> an "XCLASS manager" which is able to properly define the inheritance of 
> so more than one XCLASS can extend the same file (truly the XCLASSes are 
> "chained")

looks good. This probably works as far as XCLASSes don't extend the 
*same* function. Then the order is relevant.
The last is dominant? Correct?

If the used XCLASSed
function doesn't fit for some extension, then you must touch to the 
source code and made ux_ux_some_extenstionClass from 
ux_some_extensionClass? Correct?

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