[TYPO3-dev] TER troubles again

derjoerg joerg at schoppet.de
Fri Jun 30 11:26:02 CEST 2006


Michael Scharkow wrote:
> I guess this is in part the failure of the community which seems to be 
> less willing to actually help than in other software projects, but also 
> (my guess) in part the fault of the TYPO3 leadership that is busy with 
> planning and building crazy amounts of teams most of which never get the 
> job done. If you read Kasper's article in the current t3n mag, you'll 
> see my point. Robert proposed a team structure for typo3.org some time 
> ago, with virtually no response. On the other hand, applications for 
> teams are not processed because there are no responsibilities for that.
> Cheers,
> Michael

I can only agree to this. When Robert proposed the team structure I 
directly providing help for the "Hosting" group, but NOBODY replied. So 
what shall I do?

For other problem with the community I can only talk about myself and 
there I have a lot of trouble to find the time for this (I really like 
Typo3), BUT actually I have a working day of at least 10 hours + 2 hours 
to drive to work and home. I have a girlfriend, which I want to marry 
next year and two dogs.

The big luck I have is, that I can work primary on my work with typo3 
(extension development), but the most time, because of funny project 
deadlines :-( I even have no time to make lunch-breaks. And then, when I 
came home, I think I would be killed, if I say "Hey honey, I will go on 
the pc." !!

How did you all manage this private-work-community stuff?


Joerg Schoppet

P.S.: The above mentioned things are essential, that I can not go to 
t3dd06, although I would really like.

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