[TYPO3-dev] TYPO3board

Simon Child simondt at gpuk.net
Thu Jun 8 13:54:48 CEST 2006

"Dmitry Dulepov" <typo3 at accio.lv> wrote in message
news:mailman.1.1149765730.811.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...

> So what? Typo3 community lives here. I never heard about that board and
> do not plan visit it. There is no reason to break typo3 community
> between different sites.

Right. But Google took me there when researching a TYPO3 problem. Perhaps it
also took him there and he never found the official mailing lists or
newsgroups and thought that board was all there was, so concluded TYPO3 not
very well supported?

[My problem is the same as his problem, hence I found that when googling,
but still not yet solved despite more googling including doing all in this

Simon Child

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