[TYPO3-dev] Repost: Javascript connection to php

Johannes Reichardt typo3 at gramba.de
Sat Jun 3 18:16:52 CEST 2006

Hi there!

i couldn´t see the last mail about this on the list, so i thought i´d 
repost this because it may be interesting for typo3 - its a very 
straight forward way to pass data from php directly and with AJAX
to a webseite


Description from the website:
*A*syncronous *J*ava*S*cript *H*ypertext *P*reprocessor is the extended 
name of this project that's a mix of what AJAX and PHP names mean 
because this is an alternative way to use PHP classes directly from 
JavaScript ... seems to be interesting ?

The original idea was to create something like AMFPHP 
<http://www.amfphp.org/> for javascript but that incredible project is 
really advanced, so I decieded to create something /easyer/ such another 
great client/server Flash RPC project, known as PHPObject 
The goal is to manage PHP classes public methods from javascript and to 
create a fast crossplatform client/server interaction sending and 
recieving directly primitive or complex variabiles from both js and php 
The key of this project is my PHP_Serializer 
<http://www.devpro.it/javascript_id_102.html> javascript object, that 
could serialize javascript variables for PHP and unserialize PHP 
variables for javascript.
This kind of interaction is faster than JSON for PHP 
<http://mike.teczno.com/json.html>, on server and often on client 
serializing process too, but actually not as portable as JSON is (then 
please visit contribute </AJSHP/index.php/ajshp/contribute/> page).

- Johannes

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