[TYPO3-dev] impoving sms_direct_mail_ext - S.O.S

Matyi Gábor gmatyi at freemail.hu
Fri Jun 2 11:53:43 CEST 2006

Hi guys,

I've  dealing for many day with imporving the extension th_mailformplus. 
The problem is that the mail is sent with the php mail() function. On my 
system the mail() function doesn't work, therefore I have to implement 
this function.

One idea is to use phpmailer package, but I have to make a complete 
extension for this. However this solve only my problem, because I cant 
implement a new function f.e. typo3_mail(, what only I can use. If I 
upload this extension to typo3 repository, people would use this extension 
only in the case, if they use my function instead of mail(. Therefore this 
is not a good idea.

Another possibility to install the sms_direct_mail_ext. But this extension 
is a little bit complicated. It is just an addon for direct_mail and 
according the README of sms_direct_mail_ext works only with 

Unfortunately I have question with these three extension 
sms_direct_mail_ext, sr_direct_mail_ext, direct_mail, I dont understand 
perfect how they work.

I guess the soultion is to custiomize the th_mailformplus that the 
extension optionally could use the sms_direct_mail_ext, and custiomize the 
sms_direct_mail_ext that the extension wouldn't not only an add-on for  
direct_mail, but a smtp mailer, that could use all other extension.

Because this problem is urgent, and I have to find a solution anyway please 
help me anybody. In the typo3-user list I questioned 5 times, but nobody 
Guys, please help me!

Thanks in advance


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