[TYPO3-dev] RFC as tool to concept branch 5.x

Ries van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Fri Jun 2 04:36:33 CEST 2006


Don't get mer wrong on my emails please.
I see that you always can mail and respond promptly which is great.
My employer doesn't always allow me to do it.
Anyways, writing in my free time now.

here is my proposal for typo3 5 development and I 
took and modified a little but what daniel said.

1. Discussions / Initialisation:
Mailing list that get posted to a forum so we can easely track back what has been said.
I know there is news and there is mailings. But it's much easer to see in a forum for
archive perpose. (news in thuderbird doesn't work that good for that perpose).
A forum can do a great job with search etc.

2. Initial RFC creation (Based on a common template...)

3. Review / Changes / Add Pictures and Modellimages (UML)

4. Create final RFC
Mabe leave it as a wiki?

5 Developing in a team
Skype and IRC

I couldn't fiund at this point a tool (sf was down whole night).
to manage RFC's. I know wiki can be good but lacks good versioning 
handeling, or it was at least not ment to be as such. Alhough I must admit
I don't have much experiances with wiki's.

What I do miss a lot is we don't communicate with IRC. I know core dev's
call eachother and such but there are no IRC chat's going on. Something
I have seen on other channels a lot. This can be a problem for good 
communication to the outside world.

I think the above will keep it simple and everybody can partisipate.

We need to have small teams of 3 people that will work on one specific task.
Teams of 2 or less will not work. Teams of 4 or bigger will not work to.

Properly this means we can create about 5-8 teams of 3 people to work on 
specific task. These teams can be create by simple inviting eachother
or put something up on the WIKI. What's the interest in a area
and if you have a team of 3 people working on that subject it's a go.
Teams of 1 people have a high change of faulure and teams of 4 or bigger
might lack the speed of development a RFC and later the code or change a code!
Or not code at all but just set a standard.

That is HOW I currently see it.



>Hi Ries,
>Ries van Twisk wrote:
>>At least we don't have and want to re-invent the wheel again.
>>I am also sure that there are open source project out there that can do
>>this job. I didn't look at it yet
>>but I feel that we don't have to think about this particular process
>>since it has already beeing done.
>>I think Sven mentioned the eclipse way of doing.
>>I am just tring to say that we need to setup and decide method of
>>cummunication, preferably using
>>exisiting methods. RFC's, TEP's (I like TEP..) . Using existing and
>>proven tools.
>Let's come to the point. Please describe your proposal in detail.
>>We need to do what we are doing best and that is developing, designing
>>for the new typo3 version 5.
>>Not develpoing a extension and or tools to develop a RFC/TEP system
>>management to develop a new typo3.
>Ries, don't you hate it, when people turn what you have written into the
>opposite. My proposal is to use a system we already have and that we are
>accustomed to instead of setting up or programm another infrastructure.
>Please be constructive now and make a better proposal if you have one.
>TYPO3-dev mailing list
>TYPO3-dev at lists.netfielders.de

Ries van Twisk
Freelance Typo3 Developer
=== Private:
email: ries at vantwisk.nl
web:   http://www.rvantwisk.nl/freelance-typo3.html
skype: callto://r.vantwisk
=== Work:
email: ries at livetravelguides.com
web:   http://www.livetravelguides.com

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