[TYPO3-dev] Master Style 4 Typo3

Ries van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Tue Feb 21 04:24:26 CET 2006

JoH wrote:

>>>>Actually i´m afraid there is already a concept like this and just
>>>>gets not used enough or i misunderstood it - if so please ignore
>>>>this mail or explain it to me, otherwise i would be glad to get
>>>>comments on this idea.
>>>>Clean styles are the future! (Says a square-eyed-man ;)
>>>Have a look at this to see that there are others sharing the same
>>>idea ... http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Contend_Rendering_Schemes
>>>Happy styling ;-)
>>you mean a theme???? Like found in mamdo and several nukes?
>No - not a theme - but a scheme.
>A set of default classes for default output of extensions and TYPO3 itself.
>It's not about having a predefined style but predefined class- and/or
>It simply doesn't make any sense to have something like
><h1 class="tx_whatevermyextensionis_pi1_singleviewheader
>followed by
><h2 class="tx_whatevermyextensionis_pi1_listviewheader
>when you can have something like this:
><div class="tx_whatevermyextensionis_pi1">
>    <div class="singleview">
>        <h1 class="firstheader">Whatever</h1>
>    </div>
>    <div class="listview">
>        <h2 class="secondheader">Whatever</h2>
>    </div>
>Same for almost any other HTML element that is used more than once by
>different extensions and/or content elements.
>So as far as I understood the goal is to have as few different ids and
>classes as possible to make styling a lot easier for the designers.
I see what you mean...
Personally I don't like to use ID's for styling but for identification....

Can't it even be cut to something like this??
h1/h2 are already different tags, no need to use a class for that....

<div class="tx_whatevermyextensionis_pi1">
    <div class="singleview">
    <div class="listview">

Also I am afraid that is just up to the extension designer...
Personally I sometimes if still problems making really good use of 
CSS... I think most designers do if  I take a look around on the internet...
It might be a good idea to make a good CSS design document for extension 
developers to have some grip on what's going on in HTML/CSS and how to 
make good use of it when it comes to intergrating it into typo3...


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