[TYPO3-dev] 4.0beta3 GMENU transparency bug?!?

Joerg Wagner - DigiLog multimedia usenet at digilog.de
Sun Feb 19 04:04:03 CET 2006

Hello Bernhard,

"Bernhard Kraft" <kraftb at kraftb.at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1140302284.15081.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...
> Can you also tell me the setting of "gdlib_png" and the new flag 
> "png_truecolor" ?

[GFX][gdlib_png]  and  [GFX][png_truecolor]  are both not mentioned in my 
localconf.php and thus are =0. So my GMENU is rendered with GIFs.
Trying to set format=png does not change the output format (as Christopher 
also tells in his posting) - the images are still rendered as GIFs and the 
flipped transparency effect is also still there.
If I additionally set [GFX][gdlib_png]=1 then I do get PNGs, but WITHOUT any 
transparency at all (also observed by Christopher if I understand him 
['GFX']['png_truecolor'] seems to have no effect on the problem(s).

Here is a screendump that shows the effect with GIFs ([GFX][gdlib_png]=0):

The TS that rendered this screendump consists of two GIFBUILDER objects that 
are identical to yours. The second differs only in that it has the backColor 
reduced to be numerically less than the fontColor:

page.100 = COA
page.100  {
    10 = IMAGE
    10.file = GIFBUILDER
    10.file {
        XY = 200,200
        format = png
        quality = 95
        backColor = #d3d9db
        transparentBackground = 1
        10 = TEXT
        10.text = Hello World
        10.fontColor = #d3d9da
        10.fontSize = 40
        10.offset = 20,100
        10.niceText = 1
        10.fontFile = fileadmin/fonts/ARIALN.TTF
    20 = IMAGE
    20.file = GIFBUILDER
    20.file {
        XY = 200,200
        format = png
        quality = 95
        backColor = #d3d9d8
        transparentBackground = 1
        10 = TEXT
        10.text = Hello World
        10.fontColor = #d3d9da
        10.fontSize = 40
        10.offset = 20,100
        10.niceText = 1
        10.fontFile = fileadmin/fonts/ARIALN.TTF

The problem ist completely reproducable on my installation.
My server configuration for these tests is:
WinXP SP2, Apache2.0.48, PHP4.4.0, GraphicsMagick 1.1.6-Q8

Anything else you want me to test?

Jörg Wagner
DigiLog multimedia

"Christopher" <bedlamhotel at gmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1760.1140311034.3122.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...
Hi Bernhard,

On 2/18/06, Bernhard Kraft <kraftb at kraftb.at> wrote:
> Joerg Wagner - DigiLog multimedia wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > can anybody please confirm this problem - if so I will post a bug in
> > bugtracker:
> >
> > After upgrading from  4.0beta2  to  4.0beta3  I experience problems with
> > transparent backgrounds in my GMENUs.
> > Under certain conditions the transparency is inverted, making all
> > transparent background pixels visible and the characters themselves
> > transparent.
> > As far as I can tell this is needed to reproduce the problem:
> >
> > - niceText MUST be on.
> > - the backColor value (read as one 48 bit number) must have a higher 
> > value
> > than the fontColor value.
> > - I am using GraphicsMagick. Not sure whether this will happen with
> > ImageMagick too.
> I modified the code of the GIFBUILDER which also renders GEMENU items so 
> it is able
> to produce truecolor graphics.
> I tested this a lot but didn't find any such issue (I tested it also with 
> GM)
> I tested a setup similar to yours:
> lib.header = COA
> lib.header {
>         10 = IMAGE
>         10.file = GIFBUILDER
>         10.file {
>                 XY = 200,200
>                 format = png
>                 quality = 95
>                 backColor = #d3d9db
>                 transparentBackground = 1
>                 10 = TEXT
>                 10.text = Hello World
>                 10.fontColor = #d3d9da
>                 10.fontSize = 40
>                 10.offset = 20,100
>                 10.niceText = 1
>                 10.fontFile = fileadmin/ALTdragon.ttf
>         }
> }
> with .format = gif/png and with fontColor #d3d9dc and #d3d9da but any time 
> the text was visible and
> the background transparent.
> Can you also tell me the setting of "gdlib_png" and the new flag 
> "png_truecolor" ?

I don't know if it's related, but in b3 nothing I do will allow me to
produce an image with BOTH OF .niceText = 1 AND .transparentBackground
= 1, UNLESS gdlib_png is set in the install tool. Also, simply adding
'format = png' to a gifbuilder object does NOT cause it to create a
png UNLESS gdlib_png is set in the install tool.

Have I misunderstood what your changes have made available (i.e. I
thought we could now swittch between gif/png/jpg in gifbuilder


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