[TYPO3-dev] different skin for different users?

tapio tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Tue Feb 14 21:01:16 CET 2006

Elmar Hinz wrote:
> Peter Russ schrieb:
>>GREAT idea: API for a gimmic! I guess it's less complicate.
> http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/doc_core_api/TBE_STYLES/
> is an API for skins. No need for second.
> I think of Skin Greyman.

I found another skin-related problem:

this cause bad rendering and difficulties to control layout
in class.tx_cms_layout.php

                             // If only one column found, display the 
single-column view.
                         if (count($colList)==1)    {
                             $dblist->tt_contentConfig['single'] = 1; 
  // Boolean: If set, the content of column(s) 
$this->tt_contentConfig['showSingleCol'] is shown in the total width of 
the page

$dblist->tt_contentConfig['single'] = 1;

should be
$dblist->tt_contentConfig['single'] = 0;

for better controlling the layout for example using 'skin_grey' - it
creates border around the table, which
$dblist->tt_contentConfig['single'] = 1;

hides => bad layout

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