[TYPO3-dev] Using Hooks in own classes

dan frost dan at danfrost.co.uk
Sun Feb 12 17:53:20 CET 2006

How big is your class.

For a really "hook-able" architecture, the nicest 
way is:

1. very small classes,
2. use ::makeInstance (or similar wrapper) to look 
up over-ridden classes

Can you post the structue of your class (methods + 


Ingo Schmitt wrote:
> Hi list,
> when implementiong hooks in own classes, there are some ways to define 
> these hooks:
> 1) Define one hook array per Method in each class
> 2) Define one hook array per whole class and use different hook-methods 
> in each Method
> 1 only initialises a hook object if realy used, so if a method is not 
> called, the hookObject isn't initialised. If you use more than one hook, 
>  more Hook Objects are created.
> 2 initiallises all hook objects for the class at creation of the class 
> object
> (I think in general the internal costs of creation of the hook objects 
> are in both cases almost the same)
> The Core uses Method 2, method 1 could be more elegant in the way of 
> coding it.
> Which way should I use?
> Mit freundlichen Gruessen

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