[TYPO3-dev] XCLASS conflict examples

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Sun Feb 12 00:53:56 CET 2006

Bernhard Kraft wrote:

> Could somebody of you name me some extensions which are conflicting ?

Ok. Pherhaps I should make it cleare.

Extensions which XCLASS (bad this word get's used the same for the noun and the verb) the
same core file can't coexist.

To make them co-exist you have to either manually copy the methods of the one XCLASS over to
the other (to the one which get's included / is installed later).

Or you can make the one XCLASS be an XCLASS of the already existing.

For the later one no methods have to get moved just class definitions and ext_localconf.php
XCLASS configuration has to get changed.

So I wrote a little wizard which can perform this task: :)


I think this could be quite useful.

I will change it to use the "native" trees of T3 so you have the used look'n'feel and would like
to make some "real-life" tests with extensions which conflict.

ready for input,

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