[TYPO3-dev] Removing symlinks in V 4.0

Kari Salovaara kari.salovaara at pp1.inet.fi
Sat Feb 11 14:36:29 CET 2006

Mathias Schreiber wrote:
> Depends on your typing speed.
> If you have a smart directory structure I'd say about 30 seconds per 
> install.

Smart? Yes I have, using symlinks ;-)

Franz Holzinger wrote:
> If it is just because of the missing symlinks: You can write a special
> dummy.tar.gz file which will create all the symlinks automatically.
> Franz

And then I've to create special dummy.tar.gz for 4.1 and
after that for 4.2 and after that for 4.5 and after that for 5.0
and so ...
Just because it's possible that some extensions used in site
implementation have not been updated.

I vote for 4.5 earliest to take symlinks away. This gives some
time resources to prepare for the change. This is my personal
wish due I'm working totally on voluntary basis for all sites I'm
maintaining and I should do also my research work without
putting all my resources for measures which don't benefit
my goals in more important issues.


Kari Salovaara

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